
Derived from the Latin word, the Roman month Februarius was named after the Latin term februum, which means "purification", via the purification ritual Februa held on February 15 (full moon) in the old lunar Roman calendar. Historical names for February include the Old English terms Solmonath (mud month) and Kale-monath (named for cabbage). In Finnish, the month is called helmikuu, meaning "month of the pearl"; when snow melts on tree branches, it forms droplets, and as these freeze again, they are like pearls of ice. In Polish the month is called luty, meaning the month of ice or hard frost. In Macedonian the month is sechko (сечко), meaning month of cutting (wood). In Czech, it is called únor, meaning month of submerging (of river ice).

Having only 28 days in common years, February is the only month of the year that can pass without a single full moon. But aside from all those facts and the aesthetically pleasing option, that the month can consist of exactly 4 full weeks, February in Switzerland is mainly known for one thing: Sportwoche oder Sportferien. Because with mountains like these, how can you be thinking about anything else but powdery snow, amazing views and a lot of fresh air?